The correct understanding of the Bible and of Shincheonji (The New Heaven and New Earth)
This site and all of its content has been written according to the Bible. Our purpose is to instruct all Christians in a deeper knowledge of God’s word and to lead them to a deeper faith.

What is the true meaning of Calvinism, which has predestination as one of its core doctrines? What are the true identities of the Presbyterian churches and the Christian Council of Korea, which have been founded on the teachings of Calvinism? There are many similarities between the two.
The Catholic Church was founded after Jesus' ascension, but Protestantism broke away from Catholicism through the work of Martin Luther. Afterward, John Calvin seized ecclesiastical authority in Geneva in 1541 through the Council of Geneva. Through that committee, he forced people to believe in his doctrine of predestination. He cruelly tortured, banished, and even killed those who disagreed with him (Stefan Zweig "The Right to Heresy: Castellio against Calvin"; Cho Chansun "The Sinful History of Christianity." Pyeongdan Publishing Company).
In the words of Jesus’ prophecy in Jn 16:1-2, Jesus said, "I have told you all these things so that you will not fall away. They will put you out of the synagogue, yet a time is coming when the one who kills you will think he is offering service to God." This message from Jesus is applicable to Calvin’s doctrines, ideology, and actions. The first of the Ten Commandments (God's and Jesus' words of promise) says, "You shall have no other gods before me" (Ex 20:3-6; Mat 22:37-38).
Adam and Eve in Genesis disobeyed God (Gn 3). They were eventually destroyed because of their betrayal and because they united with the serpent, the devil (Rv 12:9; Rv 20:2). What about Solomon? His worship of gentile gods brought destruction upon the Israelites (1 Kgs 11). The New Testament also prophesies that those who worship gentile gods and gentile pastors will not be able to escape from eternal punishment and destruction at the time of judgment (Rv 13; Rv 14).

(Ref:; the Christian Press of Korea, Forum on April 24, 2008)
The Christian Council of Korea was originally established during Korea’s period of military dictatorship to serve the political aspirations of a certain politician. This politician wanted to mobilize the forces of conservatism that were working during President Park's third term.
During the most recent Japanese occupation of Korea, Presbyterian churches, which were founded by Calvin, allowed their congregations to bow to the Japanese emperor (a gentile) to begin every worship service. How is this different from the way Solomon worshipped gentile gods? This is an undeniable historical fact that can be verified by looking at the Korean conservative denomination called “Goshin.” Goshin emerged from the Korean Presbyterian Church because they did not approve of the conciliations the Korean Presbyterian Church made during the Japanese occupation. Please consider how Adam, Eve, and the people living at the time of Solomon's reign were destroyed by worshiping gentile gods. Do you think that there is salvation for the Korean Presbyterian Church, which unashamedly bowed down to gentile gods? Was the Christian Council of Korea established for Christians or for worldly politicians?
The Christian Council of Korea was established in 1989. In 1990, the organization appointed a certain man to serve as “Judge of Cults” and as “Vice Chairman” of a committee that creates strategies for use against cults in Korea. According to a newspaper article about him, this man completed only two years of elementary school, and used to be a member of a denomination that the Christian Council itself has labeled a cult. The Christian Council of Korea taught him and helped him to conduct cult education seminars nationwide. These seminars are aimed at forcing people to believe in his doctrines just as Calvin did. Since the seminars are full of criticism, persecution, and insults, it is clear that the Christian Council of Korea, has no love, no forgiveness, and no truth. These are the things Jesus commanded us to pursue, and since the CCK has followed another path, it has lost credibility among Protestant believers. This may be the reason the number of Korean Christians has recently fallen from 12 million to 8.6 million. Approximately one-third of Korean Christians have left their churches. Can we say that this is the work of the holy spirit? Throughout Christian history there has never been a time when this many believers have abandoned their faith so quickly. What has caused this tragedy? Shouldn’t the Christian Council of Korea be able to give a clear account for this decline? Shouldn’t they be held responsible for this situation.
If 3.5 million Korean Christians have left their churches since these seminars began, where did they go? Did they abandon their faith to return to the world? Did they start attending Catholic Churches? Did they move to Shincheonji Church of Jesus? Shouldn’t Christianity be filled with the holy spirit, love, forgiveness, and salvation?
The Christian Council of Korea has fabricated pure lies in an effort to persecute Shincheonji as a cult. One of their claims is that Shincheonji teaches people that Matt 24 is the only chapter regarding the end of the age. Shincheonji, however, has never made such a claim. The CCK has categorized Shincheonji as a cult because they want our congregation members to leave Shincheonji and start attending CCK member churches. This is also following the footsteps of Calvin. They also want to prevent their congregation members from leaving them in favor of Shincheonji. In spite of their attempts, true believers are following the commands of Jesus – commands to pursue love, forgiveness, and truth – and coming to Shincheonji. Please come and verify whether this is true. Those who work in the faith conversion programs disgrace people and even beat them to death when they refuse to convert. Their cruel actions, just like Calvin's, are the fulfillment of Jesus' prophecy of Jn 16:2.
The number of Korean Christians has been falling so dramatically because Christians are persecuting and cursing other Christians. The man appointed by the CCK as a "cult expert," is now working with another man, who was recently expelled from Shincheonji. Although CCK calls Shincheonji a cult, they now collaborate with one of the people we have expelled. Together they hold even more seminars claiming to help Christians distinguish cults. Amid all this cursing and persecution of other Christians, what will be the outcome for the Christian world?
If what Shincheonji claims is true, they should stop calling us a cult. This man who is now working with the CCK "cult expert" was expelled from Shincheonji for claiming that people must eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Shincheonji Chairman to attain salvation. He was expelled for claiming that people must pray in the name of the Shincheonji Chairman for their prayers to be answered. He was expelled from Shincheonji because he was spreading destructive lies. If the Christian Council of Korea has appointed these two people – the so-called cult expert and the person expelled from Shincheonji – to work for their organization, if they have acknowledged them as true believers, wouldn’t it be more correct to say that the Christian Council of Korea is itself the true cult? Those who belong to God will acknowledge the word of God and this claim as truth; those who belong to the devil will reject this claim. Why did the Christian Council of Korea appoint a man, whom they once categorized as a heretic, to be their cult expert? Please consider what has been discussed above and distinguish where God, salvation, and the truth really are. Anyone who knows and believes the Bible will distinguish right from wrong.
Shincheonji: Healing All Nations
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