Mrs. Kim was beaten to death by her ex-husband, Mr. Seo, for refusing to convert to the Presbyterian Church of Calvin. She was murdered in her home on October 7, 2007 in Ulsan, South Korea.
Before her death, she faithfully attended SCJ’s branch church in Ulsan. Prior to their divorce, Mr. Seo was deceived by a conversion education pastor, and together with Mrs. Kim’s family members, he repeatedly forced Mrs. Kim to receive conversion education. Against her will, Mrs. Kim received a few conversion programs in Sooncheon, South Korea. In these programs, the pastors in charge tried to force their own doctrines on Mrs. Kim in the name “conversion education.” In fact, they can hardly be called “education” at all. The programs contained so many slanderous, personal attacks against SCJ’s chairman, that Mrs. Kim could hardly stand it. Still she listened to her ex-husband’s requests and listened to the education program. She wanted to obey her husband out of a sense of duty and to maintain peace within her family.
The conversion programs, however, failed to convince her to change her mind since she already knew the truth. When he realized that she would never agree to give up her religion, her ex-husband locked her up in a room and assaulted her verbally and physically. Finally, when she again refused to convert, her ex-husband tried to force her to accept a divorce. Mrs. Kim resisted because she believed that SCJ did not allow its members to divorce their spouses. Despite her persistence, she was eventually forced into the divorce.
Even after their divorce, however, Mr. Seo continued his efforts to get Mrs. Kim to convert to his denomination. Mr. Seo eventually lost his mind in the face of Mrs. Kim’s unwavering resolution against the conversion. He snuck into Mrs. Kim’s home and murdered her with an iron hammer. Mrs. Kim had reported to us what she was experiencing up through the day before her death. Sadly, this tragedy was revealed to the world through her death.
John Calvin (1509-1564) seized control of the ecclesiastical authority in Geneva, a city of 13,000 people at the time. There, he established the Presbyterian Church and wrote several commentaries detailing his theory of predestination. History tells us that Calvin recklessly slaughtered people who refused to convert to his Presbyterian Church. Having received this tradition from Calvin, the Presbyterian Church of today is responsible for the death of Mrs. Kim, who was bludgeoned to death simply because she refused to become a Presbyterian. Yet these murderers claim to be orthodox! Are they any different from the Jewish people at the time of the first coming (i.e. Pharisees and scribes), who held onto the elders’ traditions while ignoring God’s commandments (Mt 15)? The Presbyterian Church and SCJ Church of Jesus are very different. It is even clear from their names, which denote the founders of each church. When Calvin first founded his church it did not include “Jesus” in its name. It was only called “The Presbyterian Church of Calvin.” Thus, the Presbyterian Church is not a church of Jesus. The founder of the Presbyterian Church of Calvin is Calvin. The founder of SCJ Church of Jesus, however, is obviously Jesus.
For a long time, the Presbyterian Church recited the Lord’s prayer in Korean using an extra phrase that is not included in the Bible: “Dae-gae,” which means generally or approximately. This occurred until SCJ made it an issue by declaring it to be unbiblical. It was only after SCJ’s declaration that the Presbyterian Church wanted to remove that phrase from their version of the Lord’s prayer. In addition, it was only after SCJ pointed out what the Presbyterians did during the Japanese colonization—they condoned the bowing down and worshiping of the Japanese emperor—that they now claim to repent. Didn’t they claim to be orthodox before their recent repentance? If so, that was nothing by a lie. They must, therefore, also repent for claiming to be orthodox.
Furthermore, because the Apostles’ Creed is not found in the Bible and because it is full of lies, no one should recite it. It should be clear from the following passages why no one should recite the Apostles’ Creed. Paul declared in Gal 1:8, “But even if we (or an angel from heaven) should preach a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be condemned to hell!” Jesus stated in Rv 22:18-19, “I testify to the one who hears the words of the prophecy contained in this book: If anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. And if anyone takes away from the words of this book of prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city that are described in this book.” According to the testimonies from Jesus’ disciples, it was not Pontius Pilate that killed Jesus. It was the Jewish elders and their high priests (Mt 27:20-26; Lk 23; Ac 4:5-10). How can anyone blame Pontius Pilate? Didn’t the elders and high priests sin in their killing of Jesus? In the document that Pontius Pilate sent to Caesar, Pilate acknowledged Jesus as the true son of God. It is also clear that Pilate sent his servants to protect Jesus.
Those who created the circumstances that led to Mrs. Kim’s death—her ex-husband, his denomination, and all of its conversion education pastors must repent. They should kneel down before humanity and before the martyrs to repent for what they have done. Jesus, who was also martyred, will never fail to remember what they did. Was it anyone other than the spirit of Calvin who told her ex-husband to beat Mrs. Kim to death? It certainly wasn’t God or Jesus who gave that command. Instead, their commands were to love, forgive, and bless one another (Mt 18; Mk 12:30-31). Do you think that these people who received the traditions of Calvin and murdered Mrs. Kim for refusing to convert have the loving and forgiving hearts that God commanded us to have toward others? Are holy spirits with them or are evil spirits with them? It is the Bible that judges whether they are with the holy spirit or with evil spirits (Jn 12:48; Rv 20:12). Does Calvin’s predestination provoke people to murder faithful believers? Repent!
SHINCHEONJI: Healing All Nations
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