The correct understanding of the BIBLE and of SHINCHEONJI (The New Heaven and New Earth)
This site and all of its content has been written according to the Bible. Our purpose is to instruct all Christians in a deeper knowledge of God’s word and to lead them to a deeper faith.
Those who Worship Gentile gods
Since the scriptures cannot be broken (Jn 10:35), everyone will be judged according to their deeds according what is written in the book (Rv 20:12).
Physical Israel came out of Egypt and entered the land of Canaan. Once there, they followed King Solomon into the worship of gentile gods. In doing so, the nation was divided in two; the 11 tribes of Israel in the North and the 1 tribe of Judah in the South. Soon after this division, both Judah and Jerusalem were conquered by gentiles (refer to 1 Kgs 11; Dt 5; Is 1; Rv 13).
The first of God’s commandments tells us not to worship other gods before him (Ex 20:3). The second forbids the making of any image or idol for worship (Ex 20:4-6). Solomon worshipped many other gods because of the influence of his concubines, and in doing so, Israel became a gentile nation. Israel even remained under the control of gentiles until Jesus came.
Today, it has been a long time since the Protestant churches emerged from the Catholic Church when they had grown corrupt. Among the people of the Protestant churches, can anyone who worships other gods like King Solomon or the people at the first tabernacle in Rev 13 be saved? Are they any better than the Catholic churches who were corrupt? If you are not going to have the correct and true faith, what is the point of carrying and meditating on the Bible?
If people who worship gentile gods pretend to know who is orthodox and who is a cult, who can believe them? Let us believe according to the Bible so that we can attain salvation. Today within the world of believers, there are denominations that are worshiping gentile gods and denominations that persecute other churches as cults (while claiming themselves to be orthodox). These denominations force members of other churches to convert to their style of faith and to attend only their church. Should we change?
Shincheonji: Healing All Nations
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