2014년 2월 27일 목요일

Shincheonji - 23 - The Promised Harvest, the True Grain, the Weeds

The correct understanding of the BIBLE and of SHINCHEONJI (The New Heaven and New Earth)
This site and all of its content has been written according to the Bible. Our purpose is to instruct all Christians in a deeper knowledge of God’s word and to lead them to a deeper faith.

The Promised Harvest, the True Grain, the Weeds

In the Bible, God promises to reap a harvest and separate the true grain from the weeds. Since the scriptures cannot be broken (Jn 10:35), this harvest must take place. Where does this promised biblical harvest occur? Where does God judge the true grain and the weeds?

To answer these questions, we must know the how the promise was made and how it is fulfilled. God made many promises in the Bible, including the promise with Abraham (Gn 15:13-21). God made a covenant with Moses and his people, but they broke it (Ex 19:5-6; Jer 31:31-32; Heb 8:7-13). This is why Jesus made the new covenant (i.e. the New Testament) according to God's will.

God promised Jeremiah that he would plant a seed (Jer 31:27), and roughly 600 years later, God sowed the spiritual seed of the gospel of heaven through Jesus Christ. This is how God fulfilled his promise in the Old Testament, but Jesus, who sowed the seed of heaven, also promised that the time of the harvest would come (Mt 13:24-30, 36-43). That promise of Jesus is accomplished in the time of Revelation’s fulfillment (Rv 14:14-20).

Jesus sowed the good seed and then the enemy came to scatter the weeds. Thus, two kinds of seeds have been growing together in Jesus' field since the first coming. At the time of harvest, the weeds are bundled together and thrown into the fire, but the true grain are harvested to the kingdom of heaven. Who are these true grain? Is a true grain a person who is harvested or a person who remains in the field? Is a weed harvested or does it stay in the field? The field represents the church and its grain are congregation members. The weeds represent people who remain in their churches instead of being harvested. Why do they stay? They are bundled (like weeds) by their pastors so that they cannot be taken away (Mt 23:13). What happens to these people who remain in the field with their pastors? According to the Bible, they are thrown into the fire. These are the words of Jesus Christ (Mt 13:24-30). Anyone who claims that this is wrong must prove it using the Bible.

What, then, are the firstfruits that are harvested? The seed is the word of God (Lk 8:11), and the 144,000 firstfruits are born again of the word of truth (Jas 1:18; Rv 14:1-5). How and where are they born? They are born of the tree of life, which produces twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit every month(Jn 15:1-8; Rv 22:1-2). The fruit of the tree are the sons of God born of God's seed. The weeds are the sons of the devil (Mt 13:37-39). Anyone who does not accept the word of God belongs to the world, but anyone who listens to the word of God belongs to God (1Jn 4:5-6).

God prophesied to Jeremiah that he would plant the seed, and then Jesus and his disciples sowed the seed to fulfill that prophecy. Today, we go like a thief in the night to the fields where the seed was sown so that we can harvest the true grain (1Thes 5:1-7; Rv 14:14-16). When we do this we act according to the Bible, that is, according to the prophecies and commands of Jesus that relate to the time of Revelation’s fulfillment. Those who are harvested belong to God and are considered true grain (i.e. God's sons born of God's seed). Those who remain in the field are the weeds that are bundled and burned. This is the word of judgment that allows us to distinguish God's children from the weeds (Mt 13:37-43; Jn 4:36-37).

The 12 tribes, being promised in Rv 7, 14, are the gathering place for the true harvested grain. There are people, however, who do not belong to the 12 tribes, but still claim to be orthodox. They still claim to have salvation and to have received the Holy Spirit, but they do not speak according to the Bible. If people who are not members of the 12 tribes claim to be orthodox, what should the 12 tribes of New Spiritual Israel say about themselves? This question is not even worth a response. These people must learn what the Bible really says. Believers in the end times must judge the truth from the lies using the Bible. Now is the time all believers must make the promises of the Bible our way, our truth, and our life.

Shincheonji: Healing All Nations


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