2014년 6월 28일 토요일

Promises the One Who Overcomes Receives

Promises the One Who Overcomes Receives

Main reference: Rv 2-3, Rv 12

It is recorded in John 16:33 that Jesus overcame the world at the First Coming, and it is also recorded that, by overcoming, one sits with God on His throne and receives from God the iron scepter to rule all nations (Rv 2:27, Rv 3:21). And God and heaven were with Jesus during his time (refer to Mt 1:23, Mt 3:16-17; Jn 1:51, 14:10).

           Just as such, Jesus said that he would give the one who overcomes the fruit of life, the crown of life, manna, the white stone, the iron scepter to rule all nations, and the morning star; the name of the one who overcomes would be written in the book of life; and God, the holy city that comes down from heaven, and the new name of Jesus would be written on him; and he would sit with Jesus on his throne (Rv 2 ~ 3). These are the promises given to the one who overcomes. Is there salvation to anyone without what are promised in the New Testament such as these? One must know the Bible correctly, and believe correctly.

           It is recorded that the Word is God (Jn 1:1). Even if a person called himself, “a believer,” how could he still be a believer if he did not consider the Word important and did not have it in his heart? A person can only be saved by having the promises listed above, and in order for him to be saved, the One Who Overcomes who has received such promises must appear—this is because the One Who Overcomes is the one who receives these promises.  As it is the case then, the believers in the last days (the end of the churches) must meet the One Who Overcomes who received the promises recorded in Rv 2 ~ 3 and seek them from him.

           Then, against whom must he fight and overcome? Of course, it is Satan, the Nicolaitans, as promised in Revelation chapter 2. When and where does Satan, the Nicolaitans, appear? It was in the tabernacle of the seven stars, the messengers of the lamp that prepares the way in Rv 2 ~ 3. What did they do when they entered this place? They taught the servants of the Lord to deceive and commit adultery, and to feed them sacrifices offered to idols.

           Then, who was the physical entity of Satan, the Nicolaitans? During the era of the early churches, Nicolas was a gentile who converted to Judaism (Acts 6:5). He then converted for a time but made a division and left the church and went against the church of God. Nicolas (the Nicolaitans) in Rv 2 ~ 3 is a name figuratively borrowed from Nicolas in the past, and this is because he committed the same acts as before. Nicolas, who appeared in today’s era in the tabernacle that prepares the way, also converted since entering the tabernacle church (Tabernacle Temple), then even became an evangelist (assistant pastor). But he continued to have a relationship with the denomination he belonged to previously, taught the servants in “the tabernacle that prepares the way” with his denomination’s doctrines and commentaries, and made a division to go against God. This “Nicolaitans” was a person with whom Satan was. Jesus chose New John and showed him how the Nicolaitans fed the congregation members of the tabernacle with food sacrificed to idols and how he made them commit adultery. Jesus made known the secrets regarding the Nicolaitans to New John and had him send letters urging repentance to the servants who committed adultery with them.

           In other words, the tabernacle that prepares the way must first be established at the time of the end, and Satan, the Nicolaitans, must enter this place and feed food sacrificed to idols and the instructions of Nicolaitans, then after this, letters urging repentance were sent to this place through New John.

           The Nicolaitans are called Satan (Rv 2), and how are Satan, the dragon, the devil, and the serpent different from each other? They are all referring to the same being. It says in Revelation chapters 12 and 20 that the dragon was the serpent, the devil, and Satan. The Nicolaitans were the beast with seven heads and ten horns that belonged to the dragon in Revelation chapters 12 and 13, and the beast with seven heads and ten horns were the Babylonian pastor on whom the prostitute in Revelation chapter 17 and 18 was sitting. This is why they were called the Nicolaitans.

           How can we distinguish between the one who fights and overcomes the organization of Satan, meaning, the kingdom of the evil spirits also called Babylon, and the ones who were defeated by them? As described in Deuteronomy 28, the defeated separate and flee in seven directions, and the one who overcomes takes over everything and creates the twelve tribes of Israel as Jacob and Jesus did.
           The tabernacle of heaven in Revelation 13 was defeated by the dragon’s beast with seven heads and ten horns and fled in seven, and the seven pastors of the dragon (seven heads) took over the tabernacle of heaven (Tabernacle Temple)—this is as according to what is written in Deuteronomy 28. And in Revelation 12, the child (born of the woman clothed with the sun) and his brothers fought the group of the dragon, and the seven heads of the dragon (the group of the dragon) were defeated; they, then, fled in seven directions. God’s kingdom of the twelve tribes and salvation came to the One Who Overcomes. This is the evidence to distinguish between the one who overcomes and the one who is defeated.

           This has been fulfilled today as according to the prophecies of Revelation. However, the betrayers and those who belong to the devil do not believe this. We, the believers, receive the blessings promised in Revelation chapters 2 and 3, and have become the people of heaven, God’s kingdom. This is the Bible, the promise, and the kingdom of heaven of the believers. If one knew the fact that the One Who Overcomes has received the promised blessings, he would choose the One Who Overcomes in order to live and to be saved; such a person is the one who believes by perceiving.

SHINCHEONJI: Healing All Nations


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