2014년 6월 15일 일요일

Those Who Sell Shincheonji and Man Hee Lee

Those Who Sell Shincheonji and Man Hee Lee

Main references: Mt 21:33-43

According to an old Korean folklore, there was a filial daughter who would be eternally known, named “Shim Chung.” She was sold to be sacrificed in place of 300 bags of offering rice in return, in order to open the eyes of her blind father. When she looked up to the divine spirit and prayed moments before jumping off the dock into the deep waters of In Dang Soo, it is written that the mountains and the rivers, and the grass and the trees all cried at this sight. She was thrown into the waters before resurrecting after 3 days to be a queen, and she was able to open the eyes of her father.

Jesus, the Son of God who came at the First Coming, was sold for 30 silver coins in order to open the eyes of those who were blind in the world that was like the night, and looked up towards God and prayed to Him on the cross. He was resurrected 3 days after his death, then ascended to the heavens and sat on the right hand of God. He also gave the revelation and promised to return.

The eternally-known filial Son, Jesus, and the eternally-known filial daughter Shim Chung, became the eternal examples of filial duty.

Jesus who returns is said to appear a second time to those who are waiting for him, apart from sin, and it is also promised that God will come and reign on the earth (Heb 9:28 NKJV; Rv 19:6).

What is today’s world like? It is at the worst of its corruption, and the reality is that the world is at the last days of the religions. This is what it means to be the night, and to be blind. Churches have become a mess, filled with desires for materialistic things, power, fame, and pride. Would God just sit and watch the world stay this way? It is said that the days of the Lord’s Return will be like the days of Noah and Lot (Lk 17:26-30). At the times of Noah and Lot, God judged the people due to their corruption. That was when God appointed one pastor like Noah, Moses, and Jesus, and cleansed the corrupted worlds and open up the new eras. In such a time, will the devil and the corrupted pastors just sit and watch the new pastor? How much will they torment him? One can confirm‍ this by looking at the anti-Shincheonji Internet blogs. How can anyone call this a life of faith? This is why it is clearly written in Rv 21 that the first heaven and the first earth pass away, and that the new heaven and the new earth will be created. This is what it means when it says that the days will be like the days of Noah.

Today, the pastors and the congregation members of the worldly churches are tormenting Shincheonji, which is opening up a new era and carrying on the true life of faith according to the orders and the commandments of the Bible. Like the days of Lot, they are even making up lies trying to bury Shincheonji. A certain Christian TV station falsely reported about Shincheonji, with the intention of harming it. When asked, “Why did you make false claims and reported them when Shincheonji did not commit any of those things,” they only said, “We are sorry, we were wrong.” When demanded to broadcast a correction report, they said they cannot. When asked why, they said, “We are only the employee who are paid salary by those who are in higher positions in the denomination. The correction report can only be given when those who are powerful in the denomination order it.” Those who ordered to falsely report and those who reported falsely alike, are they believers? Are they pastors?

At one point, MBC PD Notes broadcasted a program filled with bias and distorted reports not only once, but twice (The first program was for about 50 minutes, and the other one was about 15 minutes). This was an act of deceiving not only Shincheonji, but all of the people of the nation. Is this a life of faith? Is this how one should keep Jesus’ commandments? It certainly is the corrupted last days, the last days of religion.

Today, the pastors are making their congregation members and young adults of their churches to make up insulting lies about Shincheonji through the Internet blogs. How is this any different than the pastors at the First Coming of Jesus, who made their congregation members to lie (refer to Mt 28:11-15)? Isn’t today a hundred times worse than the time of the First Coming? It is widely known that it isn’t just one or two places that are making a living off of lies they made up about Shincheonji and the Chairman of Shincheonji. They are selling these lies as special reports. It is as if they are excited about it, and conversion pastors are receiving hundreds of dollars each time they perform a conversion education session, and Sunday and Wednesday services are filled with persecuting sermons about Shincheonji and Man Hee Lee. If this isn’t the last days of religion, what is? What will God do to those who are corrupt like the times of Noah and Lot? I am afraid that they will be destroyed.

The testimonies of Shincheonji are: In order for one to be saved and to go to heaven, he or she must be born with the seed of God, must be harvested, must be sealed (with the Word of God), must not add to or subtract from the Book of Revelation, must be a part of the twelve tribes, and must have his or her name recorded in the book of life. These were the promises of God. However, the pastors belonging to CCK and their congregation members did not keep any of these six things. How can they even feel qualified to persecute the others? What gives them the right to call others, “heretics?” If such corrupted people are not heretics themselves, the Bible must be at fault. How can anyone all such people, “believers?”

Their sermons are to persecute Shincheonji, their truth is to curse us. They sell books that they wrote that are filled with abusive words and cursing words, as they fight for their place to condemn Shincheonji first. They are making profits off of conversion education, and it truly is the last days. It is written, “’Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,’ says the Lord” (Rom 12:19; Heb 10:30).

Like the times of Noah and Lot, there is not a single person who can be saved without being reborn, regardless who the person may be. Shincheonji has mastered the Bible, and doing its best to work according to its will day and night. We are tirelessly praying for those who are persecuting us.

Father God, those who are evil are also human. Please let their hearts be reborn so that they can become new people. Please allow them to be the family of the Father of heaven. This is what I pray.


SHINCHEONJI: Healing All Nations


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