2014년 8월 2일 토요일

The Secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven: The Two Types of Trees in the Bible

The Secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven:
The Two Types of Trees in the Bible

Main references: Ps 78:1-4; Mt 13 (Gn 2; Rv 22:1-2)

   According to the Bible (God), what are the two types of trees found within the scriptures?

There are several secrets written in figurative language within the Bible. Among these secrets, the seed, which is the secret of the kingdom of heaven, is one of the most significant (Mk 4:13). In the book of Revelation, there is the mystery of the seven pastors who prepare the way of God, there is the mystery of Satan’s organization, the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and there is also a mystery of the trumpet of salvation, the seventh trumpet.

The two types of trees in Genesis 2:
There was the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil spoken of within the book of Genesis. It is in the time of Revelation, of today, after 6,000 years have passed since the time of Genesis, the actual realities of the secrets of these two trees have now appeared.

Concerning this tree, Jesus explained the tree grows as a result of a seed being planted. The tree which has grown bears fruit, and birds come and dwell within the branches (Mt 13:31-32). The seed symbolizes the word of God (refer to Lk 8:11) and the two types of trees represent pastors who are born from one of the two types of seed of the spirits, such as Jesus (Jn 15:1-5) and Nebuchadnezzar (Dn 4:20-22). Today, at the time of Revelation, the one who blows the trumpet of salvation with the word of life, the one who overcomes, is a figurative tree of life. The organization of Satan, the beast with seven heads and ten horns (Babylon’s false pastor), is a figurative tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The fruit of either tree signifies the children born of the spirits (refer to Jas 1:18), and the birds of the tree are the gods (the spirits) who gave the seed.

People are in a state of confusion concerning good and evil because they were born of the seed inherited from Adam, who ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Being born again of God’s seed and spirit (Jn 3:1-6) is what is able to rid people of the inherited confusion of good and evil. The devil has been reigning over the world for the last 6,000 years because of Adam’s sin (Mt 4:8-9; Rv 18:2-3). One can attain salvation only if they overcome the evil which resides in their thoughts and hearts, with good. The power which enables them to conquer evil is the spirit of Jesus Christ, which helps the good, and the word of God’s seed. If one overcomes, then heaven, God, and eternal life can exist with them. We must overcome the evil within us through the truth. We must also conquer the temptation of the world as well as the devil. It is only when one prevails with the truth, can they then come out of death (being harvested), that is, come out of Babylon (the kingdom of demons). Only then can they be sealed and become the priests of God’s kingdom, the 12 tribes (being sealed and belonging to the 12 tribes). Their name can also be written in the book of life by not adding to and/or subtracting from Revelation.

One can come out of the graves of Babylon—the kingdom of the devil where death exists—and gain the resurrection of life (God), by receiving Jesus’ word of revelation (Jn 5:24-29).

God is the God of the living, the God of those who overcome (Mt 22:32).

Shinchonji: Healing All Nations


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