The Will of God, the Will of Man, & the Will of the Devil
Main references: Mt 7:21 (Jn 3:3-6)
What kind of entities are God, man, and the devil? What are the purposes of each? As self-existent (Ex 3:14), God is the creator of heaven and earth. Humans are the creation of God (Gn 1:26-27). The devil (the snake) is the craftiest animal among all the wild animals created by God (Gn 3:1; Rv 12:9). God’s will is for humans to receive all things as an inheritance and to reign over it, to carry out their filial duties and faithfulness to God, to serve him, and return glory to the father God with all creation. The will of man is to love God and all things, to serve God, and to act upon God’s will. The devil’s will is to deny God, the creator, to become like God, to interfere with God’s work, and to possess God’s creation by enticing them to betray God.
God created the worlds of Adam and Noah, and yet they were deceived by the devil and betrayed God just like the devil (refer to Gn 3:1-11; Gn 9:20-27). The world of Moses, the Israelites who received the Law betrayed God as well (Hos 6:7). Due to such betrayal, God appointed the Old Testament prophets in order to make known the true God (Hos 6:6) and also to proclaim future events. God came to Jesus and made himself known to people by fulfilling the Old Testament. The Israelites, however, adhered only to the Law of Moses, and they did not receive God. God, therefore, established a new covenant, which is the New Testament, through Jesus (Mt 26:26-29; Lk 22:14-20; Heb 8:10). The book of Revelation, which is yet to be fulfilled at the second coming, summarizes the New Testament very well. There has never been a time when God did not fulfill his promises accordingly (Is 14:24; Hab 2:3). In the same manner, God has also fulfilled the book of Revelation and the New Testament.
God is a savior. Men are those who need to receive salvation. The devil is the one who hinders man to acquire salvation. God is the tree of life whereas the devil is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The fruit from each tree signifies God’s word and the devil’s word respectively. God’s word is truthful, but the devil’s word is deceptive lies. God makes people live by granting them life. The devil makes people die through wickedness.
Revelation makes references to the events of three entities: The betrayers, destroyers, and the savior. Those who believe in the New Testament will be harvested and come to the savior among the three entities. If one becomes harvested and comes to the savior, he will receive the education of God (being sealed). The introductory level of God’s word is the education where the hidden parables are plainly explained. The intermediate is the education where each chapter of the Bible is discussed, and epical facts (prophecies and their fulfillment) from the history of the Old and New Testaments are made known. The advanced level is the education where the true meaning of all the chapters of Revelation in the New Testament (chapters from 1 to 22) and their physical fulfillment are testified. People who receive the education of God are those who are harvested and sealed by the new song (the revealed word) at Zion Theology (otherwise known as Zion Christian Mission Center). They are the firstfruits (Rv 14:1-5) and the twelve tribes of Shinchonji promised in the New Testament. Shinchonji has not added or subtracted from Revelation (its prophecy and its physical fulfillment). No one has received the revelation except these people, and everyone has added and subtracted from Revelation except these people. Who, then, can go to heaven? (refer to Rv 22:18-19)
The difference between those who are harvested and sealed and those who have not been harvested and sealed is heaven and hell. The reason why people have not received the education of the revelation is because they have been deceived and held captive by false pastors. Believers must first perceive and believe the word of God before believing the words of people. The word of promise is the path that leads people to heaven. Why is it, people consider the words of humans (pastors of the world) rather than the word of God? It is only when people enter into the word, they will be able to see heaven.
Shinchonji: Healing All Nations
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